Sauerkraut for gut health

How Sauerkraut Can Boost Your Gut Health and Overall Well-Being

Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage that can improve your gut health and overall well-being. Learn how to make and use sauerkraut in your diet.

People all around the world have long enjoyed sauerkraut, a fermented cabbage dish enjoyed across Asian and European cuisines. Not only is sauerkraut delicious and versatile; its probiotics and nutrients offer added support to overall wellness and gut health. Read this article to discover more about what exactly constitutes sauerkraut production, its preparation process and any potential gut health advantages it might present!



How Can One Make Sauerkraut and What Is Sauerkraut?

Sauerkraut is produced through fermentation using shredded cabbage combined with salty dressing. The salt draws out water from the cabbage, creating a brine-like substance to kill germs before being carefully packed into jars or crates at room temperature and left for several days or weeks to ferment at room temperature, creating lactic acid, carbon dioxide and other organic chemicals that contribute to its characteristic sour flavor, acidic scent and crunchy texture that characterize the final product.


Fermented cabbage becomes even more nutritional and probiotic-rich through fermentation, providing your digestive tract with beneficial bacteria known as probiotics to support digestion, immunity regulation, and fight infections.


Your body relies on vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and more for all sorts of essential functions – Sauerkraut can support these vital processes too!

How Can Sauerkraut Benefit Your Digestive System?


Sauerkraut offers many health benefits for digestive health, such as:


Improve digestion:


The probiotics found in sauerkraut aid digestion and enhance nutrient absorption, helping alleviate or prevent constipation, gas, bloating and diarrhea while relieving gas pains.


Sauerkraut’s probiotic content can boost your immunity against infections and harmful microbes, and help to mitigate allergic responses and inflammation as an added benefit.


Losing weight has never been simpler with sauerkraut’s probiotics easing your struggle and helping regulate hunger and metabolic rate, stimulating release of hormones associated with feelings of fullness and satisfaction, while helping regulate your calorie intake by eating food rich in fiber that’s low cal and high fiber.


* Strengthening Your Brain:


Your gut and central nervous system are connected through an intricate web of nerves and chemicals known as the gut-brain axis, through which probiotics found in sauerkraut can communicate directly with your mind – altering disposition, recall, thoughts and actions as well as helping prevent neurodegeneration and oxidative stress in the brain.


* Preventing certain diseases:


Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and IBD as well as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular Diseases and cancer may all be reduced or avoided with sauerkraut’s probiotics which regulate gut bacteria populations and decrease risk.


What Is an Appropriate Serving Size of Sauerkraut for Gut Health?


Since every individual’s digestive system differs, there is no universally appropriate serving size of sauerkraut to consume.


Here are some general rules:


Start small:


Sauerkraut and other fermented foods can be daunting at first, so to minimize side effects like gas, bloating or diarrhea it’s wise to start off by slowly increasing your daily intake by one teaspoon or tablespoon.


By doing so, this may reduce the chances of unpleasant reactions such as gassiness, bloating or diarrhea.


* Strive for a reasonable serving:


A serving of sauerkraut ranging from half to one cup should provide your gut with sufficient probiotics and minerals necessary for its health; but feel free to adjust it according to your individual needs and tolerance levels.


Keep a watchful eye on your salt intake. Since sauerkraut requires plenty of sodium for fermentation purposes, excessive consumption can increase blood pressure and cause fluid retention if taken in excess.


Therefore, select low-sodium sauerkraut varieties or reduce consumption if you suffer from hypertension or salt sensitivity; additionally drink lots of water to flush excess salt out of your system.


Homemade Sauerkraut Recipes:


A Comprehensive Guide Making homemade sauerkraut can be fun and enjoyable! All it requires are cabbage and salt as ingredients for an incredible homemade experience! For even more customization options add vegetables, herbs or spices of your own choosing to customize it to taste! To do it in the comfort of your own home follow these easy steps.



Clean and mince the cabbage before cutting it up for sauerkraut making.

Peel, core, and remove outer leaves of cabbage before rinsing thoroughly before cutting thin slices or shredding using mandoline slicers, food processors or knives; you will require approximately one pound of cabbage for making one quart-sized jar of sauerkraut.


Apply salt liberally on the cabbage, massaging it in. Put the cabbage in a large basin, season it with one tablespoon of salt, and rub and squeeze for approximately zero minutes until it wilts and releases lots of juice – for additional assistance use a potato masher or wooden pounder as needed.


*Place cabbage in a jar and seal. Ensure there is approximately an inch of headspace at the top, using either your spoon or fist to tightly pack and submerge in brine (if there is not enough brine, add water as needed to maintain submersion), otherwise submerge with water instead; use smaller containers or weights if necessary to ensure submersion remains even.


Press down and allow it to ferment; be careful that any excess gas produced during this process can escape through an airlock lid; these allow gas out while keeping oxygen and other pollutants out of your jar.


For optimal results, allow it to ferment at least a week in a cold, dark spot like a basement or cupboard and taste regularly – as more time it spends fermenting, the more tart and tangy its flavors become; once complete transfer to fridge to extend shelf life and slow fermentation process.


Sauerkraut is an delicious and versatile food with many possible uses. Here are a few ways sauerkraut can be enjoyed:


As an afternoon snack, try Sauerkraut as a delicious and nutritous food option that can be eaten straight out of its jar – it provides your stomach and body with probiotics, fiber and vitamins for total wellness!


Sauerkraut adds crunch and tart tang to salads, adding both flavor and nutritional benefits for greens and other veggies. Add it as an accent for even greater impact and better tasting meals!


It can be used as an ingredient in many different dishes, from sandwiches and burgers to hot dogs, wraps, and tacos. By including it into your recipes it will enhance both their flavor and texture while complementing other ingredients perfectly.


Add meat and bake it! Sauerkraut makes an ideal pairing with meats such as pork, poultry or beef when baking; its aromatic juices and tenderizing properties will infuse every fiber of its delicious composition and enhance its flavor profile.




Sauerkraut can help enhance both your digestive health and overall wellness, including weight reduction, immunity, brain function and illness prevention. With its abundant supply of beneficial bacteria and nutrients, sauerkraut makes an easy addition to any mealtime. Explore all its healthful advantages today by including it!


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